Thursday, April 21, 2011

Today at 3 pm

There has really been no good news to share and that is why no posts have come until now. No time to write in detail, but I have stopped taking Crizotinib and since Monday I have needed to have 3 transfusions, for low hemoglobin and platelets. My energy level is extremely low, stairs are again a challenge, I have shortness of breath.. and of course the fevers continue.

We venture off this morning to Rochester, NY, where there is a trial center that may be willing to grant me the SGN-35 drug on compassionate grounds. Key word is 'may'.

Please cross your fingers, pray, send positive vibes our way, today Thursday at 3 pm. At this time I will be meeting with a trial doctor there who will assess me and hopefully have mercy..

With an open mind and more optimism than we've all had in weeks, I sign off,



  1. Michael DiBernardoApril 21, 2011 at 6:22 AM

    Good luck, Paulina. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts today.

  2. We will be praying for you today Paulina.

  3. Będzie dobrze, musi tak być!Dużo sił życzę Tobie i Twojej rodzince i dużo wiary w sukces.Buziaki Kochana i bądż dzielna tak jak do tej pory.Bozia i aniołki czuwają nad Wami.

  4. you are always in my thoughts and in my prayers! Something is going to start going right for you!! SO many good times ahead!! Keep smiling always! :) Love Christina, Justin, Katya and Iakovos

  5. Modlimy sie razem z Wami Paulinka!!!!

  6. Good luck. We hope things go well today.
    Lakha and Michal

  7. Paulinko, modle sie o Ciebie zawsze i bede rowniez dzisiaj o godzinie trzeciej-to godzina milosierdzia.Lacze sie myslami i przesylam usciski!
    Sylwia M.

  8. goodLuck Paula!
    Hope everything goes in your favor!!!! all my love to you always

  9. hope to see you when you return! all the best! thinking of you always,


  10. fingers crossed, all the blessings Paula:)

  11. Paulinko i Konradzie
    zyczymy wam duzo sily i wytrwalosci a takze Wesolych Swiat Wielkanocnych!
    Ewa i Pawel z dziecmi

  12. Blessings for you and your family are called upon today.

    Love and peace.
