Thursday, December 9, 2010

Update.. and a Christmas Tree :-)

Where to begin? It has been a long week, and it isnt over yet, with medical appointments keeping us busy amidst that cold that Karolek caught on the weekend making its way through our home ;) Karolek is just about back to normal; Konrad had it but was back to normal after one day; I caught it too, as expected with the drug I'm on thats suppressing my immune system so I catch everything. So this little cold has added some symptoms to the mix for me but I hope in a day or two these will be gone for me as well.

On Tuesday we were back at Toronto General to see the respiratory specialist (who wanted to see me when he learned I was experiencing fevers), and though it wasnt a good sign I was seeing him after only a week on the therapy, we got some words of reassurance while there as well:

1. The fever between doses could be for many reasons and for now I should do my best to just manage them (I am taking Tylenol and I began splitting the dose of the prednisone in half and am taking twice a day instead of all at once).

2. The increase in energy I am already feeling is the first sign that we are going in the right direction. :)))

3. The question of when to expect the cough to go.. Roughly after one month. Obviously this will not be exact to the day, but it helps to have a general idea and for us not be as frustrated when it isnt gone yet.

4. Since I have been coughing more (a harsh, hacking cough) this past week, a nasal spray (Nasonex) and cough syrup (Hydrocodone) were added to the list of drugs I'm taking to help dry things up and prevent the incessant tickling, and dry cough that I have all day long. Its all trial and error, but I am more than willing to try and hope these additional drugs will help.

Today we were back in Toronto again for a cardiac ECHO. This was to check on the heart following my latest CT scan which showed some irritation around the heart (near the inflamed lung). I believe this irritation/ a pericardial effusion was ruled out today as the technician commented that everything looked normal.

Happy news! We were so lucky to get a good 'pick', a beautiful Christmas tree, from IKEA, on our way home from the appointment Tuesday. A beautiful sunny day, we had hundreds to chose from, all tied up, it was going to be hit or miss.. Here it is and we love it :))) Now its beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

We just cant say it enough, Konrad and I thank you for lifting our spirits and helping to awaken the holiday spirit in our lives at this time. You have touched our hearts in so many ways, and we thank you for reminding us we have so much to be thankful for.



  1. Beautiful tree and beautiful pic. Paulina you and your family are always in our thoughts and prayers.


  2. Jestescie piekna wspaniala rodzina, wzorem dla wielu innych. Chlopaki wygladaja fajosko a Ty Paula brzmisz silnie! Sciskamy Was goraco.

    Michal z rodzinka.
